Next to the Internet, the library may be my most used homeschooling resource.
1)Pick a library day! This means you don’t have to remember what day things are due. It also just makes it a habit so you can return things!
2)Check your library accounts online and renew things online! It is just easier!
3)Automatically renew every book if you are able. Then you can have one person log on and not have to figure out who is done with what book. Renew everything you can and then you will have a list of things that must be turned in. No, you don’t need to wait until they are due to turn them in.
4)Containerize! We have a box that transports books and holds the books are you finish them. We also have a bookshelf that holds the books we are still reading or waiting to read. Then you always know where it is supposed to be!
5)Have a primary card! Then you can limit the amount of cards to check. Yes, we frequently fill our cards but if you don’t it can make it easier.
6)When you are done, put it in the return bin. If another child (or person of any age) wants to read it, it is their responsibility to pull it out of the return bin and put it in the “too be read” spot.
7)Take a picture of the books you are returning. If you are like we are, you may be checking out and returning a lot of books. Sometimes you can’t remember if you have returned something before it was due. And sometimes you returned it and the librarian missed it when they were scanning in the metric ton of books you are returning. They will often check the shelf but if it was requested from a different library, it was put on the van before it got checked in. Then if something comes up overdue you will know if you returned it or if it is hidden in your house.
8)Limit how many books kids can take from the “To be read” spot. It helps build a habit to keep things manageable!
9)Relax about the fines! Yes, I hate paying fines but that is still a lot cheaper than trying to keep up with my kids’ reading habits. Even in the used bookstores!
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